Sunday, 23 August 2015

A Glass of Milk after Eating Sugary Cereals May Prevent Cavities

Crunchy cereals make a joyous breakfast treat for both adults and children. The crunchy colourful chunks of starchy cereal laden with sugar seem to a lot of us like a great idea for an ideal breakfast. As much as this may be well appreciated in many households due to its high carb or starch content and instant energy due to the high amounts of sugar.  

While all this may feel satisfactorily true, it is in fact the milk that is actually beneficial. Milk as a part of the breakfast cereal has various health benefits, as also a glass of milk after eating these sugary cereals has been proven to have dental benefits. It acts as a shield against cavity.  Cavities have been a common dental condition faced by many people for quite some time due to the excessive use of unhealthy and particularly sweet food items. Our experts at Dentzz Dental believe cavities take root because of the presence of various types of bacteria in a person's mouth. These cavities are like parasites that live on sugar drawn from food consumed by an individual and produce a small amount of acid, which can break down the protective outer shield or enamel of the teeth.  Various research has been done in this regard.

Dentzz Dental Tip
The Journal of the American dental association provided a research carried out by the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry which suggested that food sequencing can prevent the onset of cavity by neutralizing the levels of acidity in the mouth. The research was conducted on 20 healthy adults who were given apple juice, milk and water.  Eventually after various tests conducted with changing levels of acidity they found a perfect match. They concluded that if milk be consumed after the consumption of cereals, it leads to an evidently large change in acid levels of the mouth and eventually getting an acid level close to neutral which more precisely was a pH level of 6.48.

Taking this and other research studies into consideration we suggest that your favourite breakfast routine still holds safe for you as long as you drink a glass of milk after enjoying your cereal. This would be an addition to the list of basic dos and don’ts, like flossing your teeth regularly and brushing twice a day, regular dentalcheck-ups will also be a good idea to prevent cavities. Although in case of cavity or any other dental conditions feel free to contact and book an appointment at any of the Dentzz dental clinics close to you.   

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Relation Between Oral Health and Pneumonia

Elders are usually susceptible to a number of health issues. Poor oral health and hygiene are major risk factors for many health issues including pneumonia among the elderly. Pneumonia is a common lung infection that is caused by a virus and has symptoms that can vary from mild to severe. The treatment for pneumonia varies widely depending on the age and other factors of an individual. 

Research studies around the world have established that those who wear dentures at night are also at an increased risk of pneumonia. Dentures are removable appliances that can replace missing teeth and help restore the smiles of individuals. Health professionals around the world have therefore recommended that denture wearing during sleep be discouraged in geriatric patients.

According to the research study, patients who wore their dentures during sleep were at a threefold risk of pneumonia compared with those who removed their dentures at night. In addition, the researchers also found tongue and denture plaque and periodontal inflammation in the participants who wore dentures during sleep. In the research, the patients were monitored for a three year period, where almost fifty events associated with pneumonia were identified and it was found that among 453 denture wearers, 186 people who wore their dentures during sleep were at a higher risk for pneumonia than those who removed the dentures at night. When dentures were worn 24/7, oral bacteria reproduction was happening on a continual basis.

In addition to the risk of pneumonia, it can lead to other problems including, halitosis, which is a common problem for denture wearers. The material that forms the gum portion of dentures is porous and provides a dark, warm and moist breeding area for the bacteria. Oral bacteria growth leads to the formation of plaque and bad breath. Wearing dentures places pressure on the upper jaws and the lower jaws, which causes the bones to shrink. Wearing dentures all day and night creates continual pressure, which accelerates the rate of bone loss.

Loose dentures can also create sore spots on the tender gum tissue. Dentures can also place stress on the facial muscles and oral tissue, which can lead to pain and soreness in the mouth that tends to worsen throughout the day. Therefore it is important to get a proper consultation with the dentists who would give proper guidance to the individuals going in for various treatments at clinics such as Dentzz Dental.

Dentzz Dental with it ultramodern equipment, infrastructure and renowned expert professionals ensures that the patients are well briefed and are given extremely good treatments and advice. They are in line with the latest findings in the area of dentistry worldwide, so that patients are well aware of the hygiene standards to be maintained along with their treatments. Cleaning dentures daily should be built in to the care plans for seniors and all denture wearing patients should remove them during their sleep. Such simple modifications could save lives. Dentzz Dental offers a number of services including treatments for fixing dentures and even provides treatments for fixing dental implants.

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Research says Oral Cancer Location May Differ from Smokers to Non-Smokers

Cancer is one of the words which almost all of us are aware of. Cancer is the uncontrollable growth of certain cells, with has the capability to grow in other parts of the human body. According to one of research studies performed, it was established that the location of oral cancers differed in smokers and non-smokers. Non-smokers have a higher probability of oral cancer occurring on the edge of their tongues. The relatively high incidence of mouth squamous cell cancer in people who do not smoke especially females, without obvious causes has been noted in other studies.

Oral Care- Dentzz Dental
Traditionally, head and neck squamous cell cancer has been associated with smoking, drinking, syphilis, spices and sharp teeth and other risk factors include immune suppression and diet. In a research that was conducted by dental experts, out of 724 patients, around 334 persons had oropharyngeal cancer and 390 had oral cavity cancer. Of the 334 patients with oropharyngeal cancer, 48 were lifelong non-smokers, 266 current smokers and 20 former smokers. Of the 390 patients with mouth cancer, 87 were lifelong non-smokers, 276 current smokers and 27 former smokers.

The average age of individuals at diagnosis was sixty years for oropharyngeal cancer and almost sixty two years for mouth cancer. Both cancers were more common among men. Research study results showed that oral cancers occurred on the lateral edge of the tongue in fifty non–smokers, who formed sixty six percent compared with one hundred seven smokers / former smokers who formed thirty three percent. The edge of the tongue was the most common site for tumours in both smokers and non-smokers, though it was proportionally more common in non-smokers. The research studies also suggest that if chronic dental trauma is a carcinogen, it is probable that a high incidence of mouth cancer would occur near teeth, especially on the edge of the tongue or the inside lining of the cheeks. Research is still going on in the area to establish all of the above findings.

Oral cavity risk is three times higher in smokers as compared to non-smokers. Oral cavity risk in men in three times higher in those who have smoked cigarettes during the better part of their lives when compared with those who have smoked for the least number of years. As per the research conducted, the majority of oral cavity cancers in patients who were non - smokers occurred in the areas where the dentures or the teeth can rub and cause irritation. Leading health professionals including those belonging to Dentzz Dental clinics, opine that given the fact that chronic irritation is a major factor  the development of tumours elsewhere in the body, studies provide further evidence that dental trauma could be a significant cause of oral cavity.

Dentzz Dental with the latest technology, equipments and well qualified health professionals, ensure that the patients are counselled very well and given a proper and thorough knowledge about the conditions and potential harms that could be caused. Also the best treatments are provided by the health professionals of Dentzz, so the patients here are in safe in safe hands.

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Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Did You Know? Problems Related to Protruding Teeth in Kids- Dentzz Dental

Often we notice that children tend to have prominent front teeth that protrude out while talking, smiling or even when not in movement. It can become a big problem as they grow older because the teeth enamel will continue to grow and cause problems while chewing, talking, and might even make them feel conscious about their appearance. Thus, it is important to correct buck teeth at an early stage to avoid problems in the future. This treatment can be done in one stage during early adolescence (age 10 to 16) or two stages with the first stage between 7 to 11 and the second stage between 11 to 16.
Buck Teeth? Correct it at Dentzz Dental Clinic
Another problem is the fact that these teeth are more prone to being badly damaged during accidents. They can damage the inside as well as the outside of the mouth. Orthodontists, parents, and children are confused while deciding whether to treat in two stages, early and late, or in just one later stage. Parents' hope is that the more early treatment a child gets—that is, before all the adult teeth have come in—the less treatment the child will need later on. 

However, the treatment should not be too early in this case or else the permanent teeth that come in after the treatment will grow haywire giving the same problem. The efficiency of early orthodontic treatment has been a much-studied topic in places with public health services. Our dentists at Dentzz Dental state that people were not aware of the importance of early guidance. Earlier no kid in his or her childhood days had braces. We would see those only on people above 16-17 years of age. But that scenario has definitely changed now.

The reason why dentists at Dentzz Dental recommend early treatment is because the under bite or a narrow upper arch are problems that are easier to correct while the jaw is still growing. They also state that treating children with such problems helps them to widen their jaw line, which in turn will accommodate better formulation of teeth. Many people think that braces are for moving and aligning teeth, but that is not true. There are many other reasons for this and one of the major reasons is that it helps to make the jaws function together properly.

The bite correction process is slow and the patient seldom notices the changes until they finally see a photo of themselves and decide to fix the protruding teeth. Some conditions are much easier to treat if they're caught at an early age. Underbite, crossbite, and buck teeth are some problems that should be treated early in the process to get maximum results. This helps to push the growing gum and jaw behind, which might be difficult to achieve in a fully grown person. At Dentzz Dental, reputed panel of dentists work on such problems with state of the art equipment.

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