Thursday, 21 January 2016

What are the Symptoms of Cracked Tooth?

The tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your body and yet it is prone to accidents and injuries, which may eventually damage your teeth over the long run. We have all heard about the importance of maintaining a good oral care routine. Brushing your teeth twice a day helps and so does flossing. Understand that even though your teeth are strong, your gums and other parts of the mouth aren’t and you need to realize this when you take that brush in your hand. Our experts at Dentzz dental explain how our teeth are prone to root fractures.

Treat Root Fractures at Dentzz Dental

A traumatic injury to your tooth will result in a vertical or horizontal root fracture. The location and the direction of the fracture or crack will determine how serious the injury is. Horizontal fractures or cracks are easier to fill up and work upon with a good success rate. But if the fractures are vertical it can be very severe if not treated immediately. The reason being, horizontal fractures can be treated with veneers or through cutting and contouring, that too if it is not too close to the gum area. But the more vertical it gets, the higher chances there are of the injury extending up to the recesses of the gum. But with proper care and treatment at a renowned clinic such as Dentzz dental it can be treated permanently.

Ring in the New Year with Resolutions that Make You Smile Beautifully!

Every New Year brings in with it a whole lot of resolutions that work towards building a better you - physically, mentally and professionally. Since the mouth is an extension of the body and acts like a mirror to the entire body’s health, this year focus on some resolutions that will improve your dental health. Shape your New Year resolutions to make yousmile more beautifully.

Dentzz Dental- New Year Resolutions for Teeth

Instead of looking at the preventives first let us focus on what must be done. The first thing that can be done to improve the teeth is eating plenty of fruits and vegetables that will result in optimum nutrition. When nutrition is affected or rather for those suffering from poor nutrition many oral disorders like periodontal diseases are caused. Antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables increases the body’s ability to prevent bacterial infection and inflammation and thus protect the teeth and gums. Biting into crisp fruits like apples and pears, and crunchy raw vegetables like carrots and radish clean plaque and makes the breath fresher.

Visit your dentist regularly in the coming year so that dental problems can quickly be diagnosed and resolved without leading into more serious and expensive treatment. Visit our experts at Dentzz Dental and find out how you can keep your teeth healthy. This New Year treat your teeth well and enjoy good overall health. 

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Your Teeth Can be Treated with Restorative Dentistry

Dentistry has evolved greatly today. Earlier a visit to the dentist was a frightening prospect with a lot of pain and just basic procedures and facilities. It was a necessity that was resorted to only in the most drastic situations. Today, however, all this has changed. With technological advancements it has become a field in which pain has become greatly reduced and dentistry has shifted its focus from basic dental care to a more cosmetic approach. There are many options available for those who want to alter their teeth and the way they look.

This is where branches of dentistry like cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry come in. What exactly is restorative dentistry and what’s involved? This has gained importance since the 1970s and is a branch that has brought about major changes in the field. It is basically the study, diagnosis and the management of problems not just relating to the teeth, but the oral cavity as well and its supporting structures. It involves treatment to correct functional, psychological and aesthetic issues and involves a team of specialists who work towards a common goal. It includes specialities like endodontics, periodontics and prosthodontics.

Restorative Dentistry at Dentzz Dental

This is also called ‘oral rehabilitation’ as there is a greater requirement for the integration of all branches of dentistry because of the increasing complexity of dental or rather oral health problems. This branch is used to correct serious issues like hypodontia, cleft lips and palate, etc. which require multi-disciplinary care. It is also used for patients recovering from traumatic injuries to the mouth, face and teeth. Even those who have been suffering from sustained damage to the gums and teeth through infection can be treated through this.

When it comes solely to focusing on the teeth, this branch offers a lot of facilities. When people have broken or weak teeth, restoration can be brought about by capping the tooth so that it is protected. Any issues the teeth may have unseemly cavities or gaps that are dealt with in this manner paving the way for a great smile. When people have lost a tooth or there are gaps in between the teeth, there is a very high possibility of the teeth in the surrounding area to get infected as well as the real danger of teeth being misaligned because of the gap. This is where restorative specialists use bridges so that the gaps are filled.

Prosthodontics also offers the replacement of a tooth with a false tooth that can be permanently fixed or a denture that can be removed. Both bridges and prosthodontics, thus offer a service that makes your smile aesthetically more pleasing and take care of your teeth as it prevents further decay and misalignment.

At Dentzz Dental, we have a team of specialists from all branches of dentistry to help solve your issues. The team will discuss the necessary and practical application of restorative techniques giving you an idea of what is going to be done. These practices not only make your teeth and your smile look better but they also help your teeth stay in good shape, preventing further decay, and stress on some teeth and alignment issues.

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Warning Signs That Your Teeth Are Giving You

A majority of people don’t bother to take care of their oral health as long as their teeth’s appearance seem fine. If the teeth look great and smile is dazzling and breath is fresh most people feel that just brushing and flossing regularly means that your teeth are in good shape. Unfortunately this is not so. Many people have oral issues that they don’t realise till pain sets in and usually by this time the damage has already been done. Oral health does not just stop with the mouth as it can be an indicator of your overall health as well. Your teeth are trying to tell you various things about your health.

If you feel a sudden sharp pain in your teeth as you bite or chew it could be dental decay or a cavity. It is time to see a dentist before further problems set in. Sometimes a pain in the upper teeth are also indicative of a sinus infection as the sinus is located just above the upper jaw. Whatever it may be a sharp pain should be an indicator enough to schedule a visit to the dentist.

Dentzz Dental | Signs That Your Teeth are Giving You

The second major issue that most people ignore because they think it is natural is bleeding gums. If you’re seeing blood while brushing your teeth, it is important to see a dentist immediately as it can be an indicator for periodontal or gum diseases, which are a serious problem that can have major repercussions. If this is not treated in time, the bacteria causing the problem can enter your blood stream and reach the heart where it causes endocarditis, a potentially fatal condition for those who have a history of cardiac problems.

Permanent stains on the teeth are usually caused by drinks that stain like coffee, tea, colas, etc. but some stains have to be treated. Stains that are caused by drinks can be reduced with whitening toothpaste or even specialised treatments. Dark brown or black spots can indicate a cavity whereas red or blue spots that suddenly appear can indicate that the tooth has cracked all the way to the pulp, where the blood vessels are and in such cases the tooth has to be extracted. Another physiological problem that is indicated through yellow stains and grooves is celiac disease that usually sets in during childhood.

Teeth that suddenly crack, crumble or become crooked is sign that you are grinding your teeth because of some kinds of stress that triggers the muscles in your jaw causing them to tense and clench. This is a serious issue that needs treatment as it can damage the jaw joint permanently. It is important to relax before going to bed so that stress is relieved. The dentist can also give you a bite guard which will protect the teeth. Muscle relaxation techniques can also be practised.

If any of these problems affect you do visit our specialists at Dentzz Dental so that you can get the problem detected and treated which will pave the way for good oral health leading to overall health. 

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