Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Dentzz Dental- Medication Side Effects and Your Oral Health

The next time you have a headache and decide to pop a pill, take a minute, and think. Not because of the headache but because of the side effects that medication might have on your mouth and teeth. Generally speaking, medicines are designed to make you feel at ease and eliminate any pain. But these drugs can have a side effect on your mouth and gums. Whether they are injected or taken orally, they will affect your oral health in some or the other way.

Dental Care at DentzzMedication for common cold, cancer, blood pressure, allergies, pain or even depression can cause harmful effects on the mouth. Thus dentists at Dentzz dental always focus on what kind of medication a patient is taking. This helps them map any irregularities in the mouth or gums. The most common problem that a person faces after taking certain medicines is a dry mouth. This happens because the drugs dry out your mouth by reducing the amount of saliva. The glands producing saliva become infected and inflamed, which in turn causes infection of the mouth.

Fungal infections are another major problem caused by certain inhaling drugs. This is common for asthma patients who use an inhaler, which may lead to yeast infection and a condition called candidacies. This can be reduced or prevented by rinsing your mouth with water immediately after using the inhaler. Certain medicines also cause a condition called as gingival overgrowth in which your gum tissues swell. This growth is abnormal and causes swelling and bleeding of gums. These swollen gums in turn create a perfect breeding environment for all sorts of bacteria, which can damage your teeth tissue, and also cause periodontal diseases in the long run.

Mucositis is another condition affecting the mouth. The moist tissue lining of the mouth and the insides of the digestive tract are inflamed due to the process of chemotherapy. Certain chemo drugs cause a pattern of biological changes and one of the changes is to the mucus membrane. Swollen mouth, bleeding gums, ulcers, sore mouth and change of taste are some other very common problems. Dentists at Dentzz dental always check a patient for any sort of external medication that they may be taking that causes any of the above mentioned conditions. This helps them to diagnose and give a proper treatment.

Dentzz Dental- Causes and Symptoms of Teeth Grinding

Dental care is gaining importance all over and it has become essential to consider any abnormalities or discomfort you may experience with respect to your teeth. One such discomfort is that experienced due to teeth grinding. Teeth grinding is a phenomenon of grinding the upper and lower molars, which is, clenching teeth when one is not chewing. This phenomenon is also referred to as Bruxism. Such clenching usually occurs at night, when you aren’t aware of it. Some of the symptoms that can help you identify such a phenomenon, is a sore jaw or a headache, the next morning. Sleep related Bruxism is harder to control because of a lack of awareness, during the act. In order to administer dental care, such as those suggested by Dentzz Dental, it’s important to consider the symptoms and causes of Bruxism.

Teeth Grinding Treatments at Dentzz Dental

Some of the symptoms of Bruxism are:
  • Teeth grinding or clenching loud enough to disturb your sleeping partner is a cause for concern.
  • Headaches originating in the temples
  • Fractured teeth or fillings
  • Earaches
  • Sore or painful jaw or face
  • Tightness or stiffness in the shoulders
  • Flattened, chipped or loose teeth
  • Increased tooth sensitivity
  • Indentations on your tongue
  • Damage on the inside of your cheek
  • Difficulty opening your mouth

Causes of Bruxism
  • Stress and anxiety, work related or otherwise can cause teeth grinding, especially at night
  • Emotions such as anger or frustration can also contribute to the same
  • Type A personalities are more likely to experience it than others due to the traits of aggressiveness, competitiveness and hyperactivity
  • People who have an abnormal teeth alignment to begin with are more likely to face Bruxism than others.
  • It could even be a result of earaches or teething in children
  • Sleep problems, such as Apnea, which is a disorder caused by shallow breathing during the sleep cycle.
  • It could be a side effect of some antidepressants or psychiatric medications
  • A coping strategy or a habit
  • A lifestyle choice could also result in teeth grinding, such as the use of alcohol, recreational drugs or tobacco.

The way of going about treating teeth grinding is directing treatment towards the cause. If the grinding is a result of stress then one should engage in a stress management programme, to bring down their stress levels and cope better. If it’s a result of an uneven set of teeth then one should seek a dental solution such as those provided by Dentzz Dental. A dental treatment can be quite relieving in the long term and very effective.
It’s also recommended to cut back on drinks with a high level of caffeine or alcohol. Some even use a mouth guard to help them sleep better and curb bruxism. 

Swollen and Sore Gums Can Mean Lack Of Vitamin C

We all know that nutrients are an essential part of our diet and it is important to have a well balanced diet. Our body requires vitamins and minerals in a very small amount and when it is deprived of these essentials, it experiences disturbances, deficiency and diseases. Let’s go back to what we learned in school and try to remember and recollect the disease caused by the deficiency of Vitamin C. It’s Scurvy. This vitamin C deficiency disease causes your gums to become swollen and red and often results in bleeding.
Dental Care at Dentzz

Why do we need Vitamin C?
Like proteins and other nutrients, our body cannot make vitamins. They need to be provided externally via foods. Vitamin C plays a vital role in repairing and keeping various tissues in your body healthy, including skin, bone, teeth, and cartilage. Doctors at Dentzz dental state that continuous lack of Vitamin C in your diet results in scurvy, which in turn causes easy bruising, easy bleeding, and joint and muscle pains. As gum disease gets worse, the gums pull away from the teeth, leaving deep pocketswhere plaque can hide and cause further damage. Other problems may include joint swelling and soreness, dry skin, hair loss and chronic anemia.

How to overcome vitamin C deficiency?
There are various treatments to overcome the deficiency of vitamin C. The most common that will be referred by your doctor is vitamin C supplements and food rich in vitamin C. After a certain time you can stop the supplements but it is important to continue to eat a diet rich in vitamin C. Dentist at Dentzz dental recommending eating fruits and raw vegetables which are a rich source of vitamin. You can include citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, limes and lemons or certain kinds of berries such as blackcurrants, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and cranberries in your diet. Kiwi fruit is a very good source of vitamin C. Also, vegetables such as spinach, green and red peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and potatoes.

Other causes of gum problems
If your diet is rich in Vitamin C and you still face the issue of swollen or sore gums there could be some other reason. Some of the common reasons include, wrong way of brushing, improper flossing or gum diseases. Instead of trying to figure out the reason yourself, it is best to visit an expert at Dentzz dental and get the right solution.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Did You Know? Dental Hygiene also enhances Your Overall Persona

Your flawless smile takes more than just a good mood and a happy face, you also need a pair of well-kept teeth to go with it. Hygienic and well groomed teeth not only enhance your smile and exhibit a confident persona, but also help your overall health. Dental health is an issue faced by all age groups in today's times because our food consumption patterns and lifestyles have drastically changed.

According to our experts at Dentzz Dental few reasons why teeth become crooked or misaligned are: In most cases this problem starts right since childhood. Among children, improper chewing habits, reverse swallowing, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, pacifier use beyond the age of three, or prolonged use of a bottle are some most common causes. Allergies, asthma and an open mouth posture also contribute to incorrect jaw development.

Dental Treatments at Dentzz

Common dental procedures offered at Dentzz Dental that can help in correcting the structure of the teeth are:
  • Removable retainers: These are the most common solutions and they usually work. If the teeth are not severely damaged then retainers can help add pressure to the teeth and align them.
  • Braces: If the orthodontist suggests teeth extraction then braces are inevitable. This will align the teeth and then a pair of retainers would help add the finishing touches to your oral treatment.
  • Operations: in case of accidents or extreme case of under or over bite syndrome an operation is the only solution. If proper care be taken other than obviously in the case of an accident, this situation can be avoided.

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Chipped or Broken Tooth: Dental Bonding is the Ideal Solution

Dental treatment isn't just about fixing what's broken or cavity infected, it's about doing it with some finesse. While in some cases it's inevitable to avoid silver fillings, in smaller dental cosmetic work, it's possible to make them less obvious. If you have a chipped or broken tooth, dental bonding is the solution. Dental bonding can be used to fill those unattractive gaps or even reduce some discoloration.

A tooth coloured material called composite is selected on the basis of how close it is to your actual tooth colour. Then your tooth is etched to make it rough, following which a liquid is applied which helps keep it in place. The next step is applying the composite risen and moulding it to the shape of your tooth, it's then hardened with ultraviolet light. The final step is polishing and trimming it to meet the sheen and shape of your teeth.

Dental Bonding at Dentzz

Now the question on most minds is, 'Is it painful', well we at Dentzz Dental believe that it's one of the least painful and invasive cosmetic dental treatments and you can keep those worries aside. It's much more affordable than the procedure involving porcelain veneers. It's also less time consuming and reversible, with great quick results.

Dental bonding is an art and it is important to know and trust the artist that embarks on such a task. For your peace of mind, it might be a good idea to research the dentist who will be performing the same or visit a renowned clinic like Dentzz Dental.

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Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Did You Know Healthy Fluoride Intake is Important for Your Kid?

Your baby will start getting his teeth once he or she is 6 months old. It is important that you start taking care of his oral hygiene before that. This helps to develop a good and long lasting habit, which the child absorbs as he grows.

Dentist at Dentzz dental also recommend that the child's first visit to the dentist should happen on their first birthday. This ways we are able to access the health of his gums and teeth and also to understand what we can do better and how to maintain good oral hygiene for the kid. Do not make the mistake of assuming that your baby's teeth will be fine or that they do not need regular cleaning.

Dentzz Dental CareBabies cannot brush their teeth as their gums are very tender and soft, using toothbrush can cause damage to these gums. Use a wet cloth or a wet gauze to clean their gums after eating or in general. A healthy fluoride intake is very important for your kid. This does not mean that you lather his mouth with toothpaste! Use a very small amount and wipe it on their teeth and gums.

Rinse this with water and clean it with a soft cloth. It's a good idea to get babies used to receiving dental care at a young age. Dentist at Dentzz dental best dental solutions or treatments for your child and also, state the importance of visiting the dentist at least twice a year.

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Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Causes of Tooth Decay on Your Child

Believe it or not, but in India and across the globe, dental decay has become one of the major problems that can have an effect on other areas of the body as well. Tooth decay, especially in children can have hazardous effects to the extent of disability.

Dentzz DentalAccording to recent studies, dental caries have negatively impacted children's learning and development process. While studies have shown that regular consumption of high sugar food leads to variety of health problems, one of the major areas it affects is the dental cavity.

If treated properly, dental caries are not a big disease and can also be prevented in the future with proper oral health care. It is important to follow certain basics as recommended by your dentist. Pre-scholars and toddlers should be taught to brush their teeth twice a day. This is one of the most important and basic way to fight cavity problems.

Dentists at Dentzz dental, one of the most reputed dental clinics across the country, state that children should not eat anything an hour before sleeping.

Avoid giving your baby sweetened milk, fruit juice or cordials. Children need to have raw fruits and vegetables in their diet that will help fight oral problems and make teeth stronger. Do not feed children hard or sticky candy, especially in the evening or before going to bed. These candies tend to stick to the teeth and release acids that damage the teeth and gums. If your child does eat something sweet, drinking a glass of water or eating a 'tooth-friendly food' afterwards can reduce the amount of acid on his teeth.

At Dentzz dental, doctors always advise eating loads of fruits such as apples and bananas. We should teach children good habits like rinsing their mouth after every major meal. This ways, they do not let any food accumulate on their teeth.

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